All My Sons: Summary & Exercise | Arthur Miller | Major English Class 12

All My Sons: Summary & Exercise | Arthur Miller | Major English Class 12
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All My Sons: Summary & Exercise | Arthur Miller | Major English Class 12

All My Sons by Arthur Miller 

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All My Sons by Arthur Miller

'All My Sons' is one of the popular plays by Arthur Miller. The play was written in the year 1946 and published in the year 1947. The story of this play is quite wonderful and has been divided into three different acts. The setting of this play is a small town in the USA. The period of the play is after a few years of World War II. The play is based on realistic American drama.


All My Sons by Arthur Miller

The play 'All My Sons' was written by Arthur Miller. It is a tragic play. It is set in a small American town just after World War Second. The story's main character is Joe Keller. He is a successful businessman who made airplane parts during the Second World War. Joe's has a business partner named Steve Deever, who is in jail right now. He was accused and arrested for selling bad airplane parts which led to the deaths of 21 innocent pilots. Joe avoided blame in the court and put all his blame on Steve Deever. Later, he kept his business running.

Joe Keller has a wife named Mrs. Kate Keller. She is quite a superstitious woman. She doesn't believe that their son Larry, who went missing during the war, is dead. She has hope that Larry is still alive. Chris Keller, their other son, wants to marry Annie Deever, Larry’s old girlfriend. But his mother Kate is against this marriage because accepting their marriage means accepting that Larry is dead.

Tensions in the play increase when Annie’s brother, George Deever, arrives at Joe's house. He arrives just after visiting their father in jail. George blames Joe for the defective parts. He says that Joe is really the guilty one. Joe's sob Chris also confronts Joe. Joe finally admits that he is guilty. Chris is heartbroken to find his father’s betrayal and finally leaves in sadness.

In the climax, Annie takes out a letter and shows it to all. The letter was written by Larry just before he was thought to be dead. The letter has the news regarding Larry and his intention to commit suicide after finding out what his father did. Feeling so sad and very guilty and realizing his mistakes, Joe kills himself. The play ends with Kate's permission to Chris to move on and live his life, despite the family's tragedy.


All My Sons by Arthur Miller

The play begins with the main character named Joe Keller, who is sitting in the backyard with his neighbour Jim Bayliss, a doctor by his profession. Both of them are reading newspapers. Joe Keller is a prosperous and self-made businessman who runs an industry in technology. His neighbour, Jim Bayless, is quite frustrated by his family life. He often spends his time with Keller's family.

Another character in the play is Mrs. Kate Keller. Both Joe and Kate Keller have a son named Chris Keller. Actually, they had another son named Larry Keller too. Both of Keller's sons fought in the battle of the Second World War. Unfortunately, Larry Keller was killed in that war. Chris Keller is now alive and a junior partner in the manufacturing business of his father.

But Mrs. Kate Keller is damn sure about her son Larry Keller. She thinks that Larry is missing somewhere. She has a hope that her son is still alive and he will surely return home one day. She is quite an optimistic woman who believes in astrology. Mrs. Kate believes in her neighbours, Mr. and Mrs. Lubey, who know astrology. Both of them have built up Mrs. Kate's confidence in her son Larry's case. The Keller family has planted a tree in honour of Larry. The tree has been blown away due to the storm during the month of Larry's birth. According to the Lubey family, the blown tree is a hint of Larry's survival. Due to all these things, Mrs. Kate is so hopeful. But her son Chris thinks quite differently. He knows very well that his brother Larry Keller was killed three years earlier while serving in the military during the Second World War. Chris has a girlfriend named Annie Deever, a former girlfriend of his brother Larry. Both Chris and Annie want to marry. Chris speaks to his father about Annie, who has recently come from New York. He asks his father for permission to marry her. Joe Keller doesn't have any problem with Chris's proposal but his mother Kate has. Mrs. Kate's other son, Larry, is still alive. If Chris and Annie marry, the death of her son, Larry, will be confirmed. So Mrs. Kate won't accept his proposal to marry Annie.

Annie is the daughter of Steve Deever who has been spending his life in prison for many years. During the Second World War, Steve Deever was an employee in the manufacturing company of Joe Keller. At that time, Steve approved some defective fighter planes' parts (cylinder heads) and sold them to the US Air Force. Due to his act of approval and carelessness, 21 aeroplane fighters were killed in a plane crash. In that case, he was arrested and sent to prison. Steve Deever is still in prison. Steve Deever was just an employee at that company. He did all according to Joe Keller's orders. But Joe Keller escaped himself from that charge and trapped Steve Deever in that case. Keller's family even has doubts about Annie and her revenge for her father. But Annie assures Keller's family saying that she and her brother George are not in touch with their father Steve Deever.

Annie's brother George is quite away from this town. After many years, he moves to meet his father Steve Deever in prison. After meeting his father, he informs his father that he is going to meet Keller's family tonight. Annie is so afraid of the arrival of her brother George at Keller's house. Mrs. Kate Keller reminds Mr. Joe Keller to be ready to answer George's questions. George arrives there, being quite aggressive. Both Chris and Dr. Jim try their best to make him calm. George blames Joe Keller, alleging a variety of things. According to George, Joe is the main person who has sent his father to prison. He keeps on asking the reason for his bad deeds and destroying a simple person's life. He blames Joe for his approval of defective parts of planes and for pretending to be sick. He wants to know the reason behind all his bad acts. He keeps on questioning him. He doesn't get his answers from Joe Keller and leaves the house furious. Annie also follows her brother and moves out. George forbids his sister Annie to marry Chris Keller, the son of the man who has destroyed the Deevers.

Actually, Joe Keller was the one who committed all the bad deeds during the war. He pretended to be sick and remained at home. His employee Steve Deever got arrested. Chris becomes quite upset with his father Joe. Joe had not only sent an innocent person to prison but also killed 21 pilots during the war. Just for the profit of the company, Joe had committed an irreparable crime in his life. Chris becomes so sad and leaves the house. He drives his car and moves somewhere far away. The next day, Chris comes back and finds Annie. Annie puts forward her desire to marry Chris and live with him but Mrs. Kate refuses her proposal. At last, Annie takes out a letter written by Larry to her three years ago. She hands the letter to Mrs. Kate. Chris reads out a letter loudly in which Larry reveals his intention of committing suicide due to his father's shameful acts. Joe becomes quite emotional and accepts his guilt for killing all 22 pilots, including his son Larry and sending innocent Steve to prison for his greed. He admits all the soldiers as "All My Sons".  Joe moves inside to get his coat and kills himself with a gunshot off stage. In the end, when Chris expresses remorse despite his resolve, Kate tells him not to blame himself and to move on with his life with Annie, far away from the town.


All My Sons by Arthur Miller

1. Write about the setting of the play. What is its significance in the play "All My Sons"?


The play 'All My Sons' presents the setting of a small town in the USA. It has presented American suburban neighbourhoods during the post-World War Second.

This setting has its significance in the play because this setting has highlights the play's major themes such as family, community and the American Dream. The setting of the play presents the daily lives of ordinary people. This setting has made the audience feel easy to understand the play's various surprises and even moral issues. The play’s setting is quite peaceful. It mainly contrasts with the hidden secrets and tensions. This setting has put forward an important concept of how individual actions affect the larger society. 

2. Discuss 'All My Sons' as a realistic play.


The play 'All My Sons' is a realistic play. It has presented believable characters, their dialogues and situations. The writer of the play, Arthur Miller used very real-life-like settings and normal speech especially to present the moral conflicts and emotional struggles of his characters. The play has explored quite real issues such as business ethics, responsibility and how one's actions affect family and even the whole society. The characters' reasons and reactions displayed in the play are based on real-life incidents. This has made the dramatic events and moral questions interesting as well as thought-provoking.

3. Does Keller's suicide reflect a new acceptance of his misdeeds? Does he kill himself out of choice or mainly as a result of external pressures?


Yes, Keller's suicide reflects a new acceptance of his misdeeds. Yes, he kills himself mainly as a result of outside pressures. By committing suicide, he has admitted his guilt and the terrible effects of his misdeeds. Due to Keller's misdeeds, his innocent son Larry and even 21 pilots died in plane crashes. Before suicide, he feels the external pressures from his son Chris who confronts him. George also accuses him of his guilt. Larry's suicide letter makes Keller face a remorseful situation. Behind his suicide, I think both reasons play a vital role: his way to escape guilt and his reaction to the heavy pressures around him.

4. Who is your favourite character in the play and why? Give reasons to justify your answer.


Chris Keller is my favourite character in the play. Here in this play, I find him quite good. He is seen as a morally perfect character. His acts in the play are justified. He boldly deals with the right and wrong of his father's actions. He often prefers to do the right thing, even if it's hard. His struggle and commitment to his values make him a more sincere, interesting and relatable character. Chris has shown changes in life after facing the bitter reality of his father. His admiration towards his father changes into hatred. After facing the truth, Chris decides to live honestly. This act of Chris shows the play's main ideas about honesty and responsibility.

5. Discuss the father-son relationship in relation to the play "All My Sons".


The father-son relationship in relation to the play 'All My Sons' is very important. The relationship is quite central to the play's emotional as well as moral core. This relationship is presented quite complex where we find love, respect and conflict at last. Chris as a son loves and respects his father much earlier. He wants to support to run his family business. But when he comes to know about his father’s misdeeds during the Second World War, his perception towards his father changes dramatically. 

When father's guilt and its effects on the family and others facts are revealed, Chris has to rethink about his values as well as his relationship with his father. This particular situation shows themes of loyalty, responsibility and the difficulty of making a balance of personal morals with family ties. Joe's act of committing suicide shows how deeply his actions affected his relationship with Chris. It also highlights the tragedy of their bond.

6. Who is the main character of the play? Draw the character sketch of him.


The main character of the play is Joe Keller. Joe Keller is the main character in Arthur Miller's play 'All My Sons'. He is a very successful businessman who owns a company that made airplane parts during World War II. Joe is a practical person who cares much about his family. He works very hard to support them. He represents the American Dream as he builds his business from zero level. However, his ambition and desire for his family's future lead him to make him choose unethical ways as well as decisions. 

During the time of the Second World War, Joe allowed defective airplane parts to the force. His selfish act became the sole cause behind the deaths of 21 pilots including his own son Larry. In the court case, Joe avoided his punishment by blaming his innocent partner, Steve Deever who went to prison. This unethical decision of Joe is the major problem in the play.

Joe is quite a charming and friendly type of person. He feels a strong duty to his family but he also has serious flaws. He always puts his business as well as his family's financial security above ethics and the lives of other people. His inner struggles and final acceptance of his guilt lead him to his tragic end. He commits suicide in the end. This act shows that he is both a loving father and a man who made terrible moral mistakes in his life.

7. Keller argues that no one "worked for nothin' in that war," insisting that if he has to go to jail, then "half the Goddam country" is similarly culpable. Is this an indictment of capitalism or of the wartime mentality? Does he believe this argument, or is it mainly another attempt to deflect blame?


Yes, Joe Keller's argument reflects both the capitalism and wartime mentality. According to him, everyone who was involved in the war was motivated by both profit and survival. His view here implies that his actions were part of a bigger problem and systemic issue. This view mainly criticizes a system that values money over human life. This concept accepts ethical compromises for what it sees as the greater good.

Yes, Joe probably believes this argument a bit especially to make himself feel less guilty. But he also uses this argument to shift some blame onto others. This act shows that many were at fault. This shows his struggle to justify his actions while dealing with the moral consequences.

8. Larry never appears on stage but is so fundamental to the events and the people. How does Miller characterize him? How can we reconcile or add together the various accounts of his character?


Larry Keller is characterized through the memories and accounts of other characters. He is depicted as an idealistic and honourable young man, deeply affected by his father's actions. Larry's disappearance and presumed death during the war significantly impact the narrative and the characters' motivations.

In the play 'All My Sons', Larry Keller is characterised by the memories and stories of other characters. He is described as an idealistic and honourable young man. He is very troubled by his father's actions. The story is greatly affected by Larry's disappearance and assumed death during the war. He is the person who is badly missed by other characters.

His mother, Kate Keller holds onto the hope that Larry is alive. Her hope shows her denial and the emptiness she feels without him. Both Chris and Annie’s relationship is also affected by Larry’s memory. This also makes their feelings and actions more complicated. Larry’s last letter which he wrote to Annie, where he talks of his desire to commit suicide because of his father’s misdeeds, represents him as a moral guide in the play. This letter depicts Larry as a person who couldn’t accept his father's betrayal with his sense of honour.

Placing the different views of Larry’s character together shows that he was a young man who represents the effects of Joe’s unethical decisions and actions. He is the character who plays the vital role of a trigger for the play’s big revelations and final tragedy.

9. Discuss the theme of the play.


There are various themes in the play 'All My Sons'. Among its themes, the conflict between personal responsibility and the broader social good. This play shows the consequences of misdeeds. It mainly presents what happens when someone prefers to choose their own or their family's benefit over doing good deeds for others. Such acts in society by anyone can affect the whole society and relationships. Various other themes such as guilt, denial and searching for the truth are seen in the play when characters deal with the results of Joe Keller's misdeeds during the war. 

Another important theme of the play is the concept of the American Dream and its moral effects. In the pursuit of the American dream, Joe moves on the path of misdeeds. His business success is contrasted with the moral costs of his actions. His actions for the sake of family have brought various tensions for others. His way of pursuing the American Dream raises a serious question for all. There is a question mark in the meaning of pure success and integrity. This play also examines how the actions of one generation affect the next.

In the play, family relationships, especially between fathers and sons, are very important. These relationships show problems with loyalty, honour and meeting expectations. The play also criticises the capitalist mindset that gives much value to money over people's lives.

10. How is the title of the play 'All My Sons' justified?


The title of the play 'All My Sons' is justified. It is justified through the realisation and acceptance of the main character Joe Keller at the end of the play. The title is justified at the end of the play, when Joe realises his broad responsibility not only towards his family and members but also towards society. 

Joe’s decision to ship defective airplane parts caused the deaths of 21 innocent pilots. Those young men were considered "sons" to their families, just as Larry for Joe. In the end, Joe understands that all these dead men were "all his sons". This realization shows the theme of shared responsibility and how everyone is connected.

Joe's realization of his broader duty mainly highlights the moral message of the play: Ethical responsibilities always go beyond personal and family interests to the whole community. The title shows this particular understanding and the tragic results of not meeting these broader ethical obligations and duties.

11. 'All My Sons' is the play of responsibility, tragedy and guilt. Discuss.


The play 'All My Sons' by Arthur Miller is a play of responsibility, tragedy and guilt. The play explores the moral dilemmas that people face regarding their family and society. 

In the play, we find the concept of responsibility as the major concern of the play. This concept is central to the play. The main character Joe Keller places his family first over his duty to society. He justifies sending defective airplane parts. His acts of sending defective parts caused the deaths of 21 innocent pilots. He just put forward his statement that he needed to ensure his family's financial security. But this particular view of him clashes with the greater responsibility he has to the pilots and their families. Joe's living son Chris Keller represents moral integrity and challenges his father's actions. His actions emphasize responsibility should extend beyond personal benefits.

The play 'All My Sons' is a modern tragedy. The main character Joe Keller is the tragic hero. Joe's hamartia or fatal flaw is his inability. He is not able to see beyond his family's needs. This particular flaw leads to terrible outcomes for both his family and the community. The deaths of the innocent pilots, along with his son Larry, and the imprisonment of his partner Steve Deever, all these results happen due to Joe's unethical decisions. The play ends quite tragically with Joe's suicide. It shows the irreversible harm his misdeeds caused and the tragedy of his late understanding of his guilt and responsibility.

In the play, guilt affects many characters. Joe hides his guilt first but later reveals his guilt. At first, he tries his best to deny that he is responsible for the defective parts, but as the truth comes out, his guilt becomes clear in front of others. This guilt leads to his tragic suicide which shows his acceptance of responsibility. Joe's wife Kate Keller also feels guilty. She can't accept Larry's death and mostly supports Joe's lies. This shows her inner struggle. Joe's living son Chris Keller feels guilty for not living up to his brother's memory and his father's expectations.

In conclusion, the play 'All My Sons' closely explores the concepts of personal and societal responsibility. It shows the terrible effects of bad decisions and the widespread feeling of guilt. With its sad story and complex characters, the play mainly criticizes the moral compromises people make and how these affect many others in life.

12. Write a critical appreciation of the play from the political and socio-cultural perspectives.


The play 'All My Sons' by Arthur Miller is a powerful family play. This play is also a strong critique of post-World War II America. Here, the writer uses the story of the Keller family and their problems especially to portray bigger political and social issues such as capitalism, the American Dream and the moral problems of making money during the Second World War.

Political Perspective:

Talking about a political perspective, this play mainly criticizes the mindset of the capitalists in America during and after the Second World War. The main character Joe Keller's decision to put profit above human life shows the very darker side of capitalism, where the concept of making money is more important than doing what's right for others. Joe's excuse that everyone made sacrifices during the war points, suggesting a systemic problem rather than an individual moral failing. Here the writer mainly wants to show Joe's business methods to condemn war profiteering and the moral corruption it causes.

Socio-Cultural Perspective:

Socio-culturally, the play addresses the concept of the American Dream and its discontents. Joe Keller embodies the self-made man who has achieved success through hard work and determination. However, Miller deconstructs this ideal by exposing the unethical means by which Joe secures his success. The play suggests that the American Dream, when pursued without regard for ethical integrity, can lead to destructive outcomes.

This play also talks about the concept of the American Dream and its problems. The main character Joe Keller represents the self-made man who achieved his success through his decisions and hard work during hard times. However, the writer shows that Joe's success came from doing bad things. The play suggests that chasing the American Dream without caring about right and wrong can lead to a very destructive result.

The play also looks at the themes of denial and repression in families. Mrs. Kate Keller won't accept her son Larry's death. This shows how people avoid hard truths. She believes in astrology and signs to keep hope alive despite her loss. It also shows how people deal with trauma.

The conflict at the end of the play between father Joe Keller and son Chris Keller shows changing moral values. After learning about the misdeeds of his father, Chris appears with a new sense of ethics and challenges his father’s focus on profit. This change in Chris highlights the shift in society where younger people want to redefine success and responsibility to be more humane.

In short, the play 'All My Sons' uses the struggles of the Keller family mainly to talk about bigger political and social issues. Miller criticizes capitalism, the American Dream, and the moral choices that were made by people during wartime, giving a deep look at the ethical problems faced by people and society.

13. Draw the character sketch of Joe Keller and Kate Keller.


The character sketches of Joe Keller and Kate Keller are as follows.

Joe Keller:

Joe Keller is the main character in the play 'All My Sons'. He is a hard-working businessman who made airplane parts during World War II. He seems friendly and practical. He cares about his family more than anything. Joe only wants to make sure his family has a financial future. He only thinks about his family's prosperity without caring much about his decisions whether right or wrong.

Joe Keller's character is quite complex in the play. He is both a loving father and a deeply flawed individual. Due to his decision to ship defective airplane parts during World War II, 21 innocent pilots, including his son Larry died. His act reveals his moral shortcomings. Throughout the play, Joe struggles much with guilt and denial. He hides his misdeeds by claiming that he did it for his family. His final realization of the broader consequences of his actions leads to his tragic suicide. This act of Joe highlights his internal conflict and ultimate acceptance of guilt.

Kate Keller:

Kate Keller is the wife of Joe's wife. She is a deeply emotional as well as superstitious woman. She is in denial about the death of her son Larry. She has a hope that her son is still alive and return one day. This particular denial of Kate is a dealing mechanism for her. It allows her to avoid confronting the reality of her husband Joe’s actions and their consequences.

Kate always supports her family. She has a deep belief that her son Larry is still alive. She often looks for signs and believes in astrology because she is desperately in need of hope and stability. Though she cares for her family much, her refusal to face the truth causes problems. This problem occurs with her next son Chris, who wants to move on with his life.

Mrs. Kate’s character shows themes of denial and repression. She has a hard time balancing her love for her family with the moral issues caused by Joe’s actions.


All My Sons by Arthur Miller

1. Who wrote the play 'All My Sons'?

a. Joe Keller  b. Somerset Maugham  c. Sally Morgan d. Arthur Miller


d. Arthur Miller

2. Where was Arthur Miller born?

a. Michigan b. Washington c. New York

d. Chicago


c. New York 

3. In which month does the play take place?

a. March b. October c. August d. December


c. August 

4. When was the play "All My Sons' produced?

a. 1947 b. 1945 c. 1953 d. 1955


a. 1947

5. Where is the setting of the play?

a. Keller's backyard

b. Keller's backyard and the Bayliss' backyard

c. Keller's backyard and the Bayliss' house

d. Keller's backyard and the manufacturing plant


a. Keller's backyard

6. What is different about the Keller's yard at the beginning of the play?

a. The hammock is broken.  b. It has been mowed.  c. A large picnic is going on.  d. A tree has fallen.


d. A tree has fallen.

7. What does Joe Keller do for a living?

a. medicine  b. manufacturing c. teaching 

d. writing


b. manufacturing

8. Where did Ann and George live?

a. New York b. Cleveland c. Los Angles

d. Washington 


b. Cleveland

9. Whose horoscope is Frank Lubey making at the beginning of the play?

a. Ann's  b. Larry's  c. Chris's  d. Joe's


b. Larry's

10. What is the only part of the paper that Joe Keller reads?

a. The world news b. The want ads

c. The sports section d. The obituaries


b. The want ads

11. How did George travel from New York to Columbus?

a. train b. bus c. plane d. car


a. train

12. To what animal does George Deever compare his father?

a. dog b. mouse c. possum d. deer


a. dog

13. What is George Deever's profession?

a. Professor b. Police detective c. Optometrist

d. Lawyer


d. Lawyer

14. Who is the protagonist in the play 'All My Sons"?

a. Kate Keller b. Chris Keller c. Joe Keller

d. Ann Deever


c. Joe Keller

15. Who is the main character in the play 'All My Sons"?

a. Kate Keller b. Joe Keller c. Chris Keller 

d. George Deever


b. Joe Keller






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