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In Another Country Summary | Ernest Hemingway | Major English Class 12
In Another Country by Ernest Hemingway
In Another Country by Ernest Hemingway
Ernest Hemingway’s “In Another Country” is a short story that gives an account of war and soldiers. This story has focused on the bad aspects of the war and soldiers.
The writer has presented the scene of the very cold season in Milan, a city in Italy. This story is about the wounded soldiers of World War I. The writer has even described the shops where animals’ and birds’ dead bodies are hung outside the shops in the cold breeze of autumn. In this particular cold season, the writer has introduced us to some of the soldiers who were wounded during the First World War. In the cold season, we find these wounded soldiers going to their regular follow-up at the army hospital in Milan. Among these wounded soldiers, the narrator is an American soldier. His fellow wounded soldiers are from Italy. During their treatment, they got closer and became friends with each other. The narrator describes the cold season and even their daily routine at the hospital. He reveals the bitter reality of the lives of wounded soldiers. The scene of attractive city Milan, different shops, a cold environment, etc. seems like an absurdist world for these wounded soldiers. Though all of them have received medals for their outstanding contribution to the First World War, they aren’t well treated by the civilians of Milan. According to the narrator, there are two ways to reach the hospital. The canal’s way is a bit long, so they use the short way to the hospital. But the people whom they meet on the street used to hate and criticise them. The narrator feels somewhat bad about living in another country. Whatever they receive, the life of Milan is a kind of bizarre and lifeless life for them.
The main narrator describes all the activities along with those of the fellow wounded Italian soldiers. He describes the war, the environment of Milan, and even his fellow soldiers who were cut off from the First World War after being wounded. The narrator describes his knee injury. He confesses that he has a medal, not for his bravery but for his wounded state and even for being an American. He even reveals that he is quite afraid to die. After this confession, his fellow wounded soldiers changed their views towards the narrator. The narrator says that he isn’t courageous enough to kill these three hawk soldiers. He likes the fifth boy who got the medal for being wounded, not for his bravery. He was shot in the nose during the First World War.
According to the narrator, these three soldiers wanted to become lawyers, painters, and soldiers. The narrator doesn’t put himself in their category. He likes the fifth soldier, who uses a black mask to cover his face. He is the one whose bravery isn’t judged as the narrator. The narrator gives an account of Milan’s hospital, civilians, Cova Café girls, and his fellow soldiers. The narrator says that they used to spend their time at Cova Café. They enjoy it and even share their feelings. The girls in the café are quite patriotic, though they don’t have any experience with the inhuman aspects of the war. They used to come out of the café without having any fear of the civilians. Among his wounded fellows, he likes to talk more with a major. They all go to the hospital to recover their legs and hands using the new machines. The doctor of the hospital uses to counsel them, showing different successful recoveries’ photos. The major always exercises without any hope. He doesn’t believe in bravery, either. During the war, he was a fencer. He got an injury to his hand later on. In the hospital, Major tries to teach the Italian language to the narrator. He always corrects the grammar of the narrator. The major relates all his bitter experiences with his family life.
After being wounded and cut off from the war front, Major marries a young girl. But his wife died of pneumonia. His dream of living a happy life shatters. He becomes handicapped and even wifeless. He feels his life is full of curses. The death of his wife shocks him greatly. He is absent in barrack for three days. He even uses a black band around his hand. He doesn’t have any concern about recovering photos of his hands. He comes to the hospital because he doesn’t have any work to do at home. The major even suggests to the narrator not to marry in life. According to him, if we don’t marry, we won’t lose anything.
In Another Country by Ernest Hemingway
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